
19 Jul 2013

Granadilla condensed milk mousse

Perhaps you are more familiar with the name 'Passion Fruit'.  But I'm not... so Granadilla it is.... And my granadilla vine is overflowing with fruit at the moment.  All of which just has to get eaten.  This recipe is so easy and quick it can easily be done whilst cooking a main meal.  You know how good we all are at multi-tasking! Ha-ha!

1 tin condensed milk (397g)
250ml cream
1 sachet gelatin
60ml Boiling water
3/4 cup (185ml) Granadilla pulp (about 7 granadillas)

Ripe Granadillas on my vine
- Beat together the condensed milk and cream until well mixed
- Dissolve the gelatin in the hot water
- Add gelatin into the condensed milk and cream whilst mixing.
- Mix in the granadilla pulp
- Refrigerate until set (about 90 minutes)
- Decorate with extra fresh granadilla pulp (or kiwi fruit also looks great)

Tips and Suggestions:
*  For more fabulous recipe ideas have a look at my recipe index page

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  1. Interesting recipe! Thanks for sharing at Tuesdays with a Twist. Looking forward to seeing what you share this week."

    Mindie ~

  2. Looks good... I will have to make this. Never heard the name though.. always been passionfruit in this part of the world. Lovely blog too. Marilyn

  3. It is always fun to find new and different recipes..wonder which zodiac sign would like this

  4. I grew up eating granadillas straight from the vine in our yard, that was some years back and I still love granadillas, this recipes is definitely one I will try, sounds easy too. Thank you.


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