
29 Mar 2013


This is one of the easiest Tiramisu recipes I have ever made or come across.  I make this recipe a lot - it really is just fabulous

16 Sponge Fingers (or boudoir biscuits)
250ml Strong Coffee, cooled
3 Tablespoons Dark Rum
500g Mascarpone Cheese (or a great smooth cream cheese)
300ml Whipping Cream
4 Tablespoons Coffee Liqueur (or Kahlua)
4 Tablespoons Icing Sugar
4 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder

Place the sponge fingers in a shallow bowl large enough to fit them all in a single layer. 
Mix together the cooled coffee and rum, then drizzle evenly over the fingers. 
Fingers will need to soak for about 20 mins, so set aside while you make the cream.
Place mascarpone in a bowl. 

Beat in whipping cream and coffee liqueur. 
Sieve in icing sugar. 
Stir until combined. 
Using six small dishes or one large bowl (approx 1.5L), layer up sponge fingers and cream, repeating the layers until the dishes are full. 
Finish with a layer of cream, then dust with the cocoa powder.
Serves 6
Freezes up to 3 months

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