
28 Mar 2013

Minestrone Soup


Lovely soup.  One of my favourite homely meals.  I freeze the excess in Tupperwares for another meal.  You can add other veggies if you like.

60ml Olive oil
2 Onions, finely chopped

4 rashers Bacon (optional)
1 Tbls Crushed Garlic
30ml Parsley / Mixed herbs
2 Heads Celery, including the leaves, chopped
4 Zucchinis / Baby marrow, chopped
2 x 410g Tins of chopped Tomatoes.
500ml Stock
1 x 410g Tin Mixed Beans, Drained
8 sticks of spaghetti broken up
Black pepper to taste

Heat the olive oil. Add the onions (and bacon) and fry until tender.

Add the garlic, celery, zucchinis and parsley
Add the tomatoes, and stock. Simmer for 15 minutes.
Stir in the beans and pasta. Cook until pasta is al dente. 
Season to taste. Serve Hot
Serves 6

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